Change Everything

You've got more in you than you know! Together we can get you focused and on the path to rediscovering your destiny while building the lifestyle of your dreams

I'm Ready to Design My Life!

Re-Imagine Your Freedom

Ready to Dream Big? This is the chance you have been waiting for create a sustainable new plan for the rest of your life

Structure + Grow Your Revenue

Map out a plan to fund your new life-style using the proprietary "Lifestyle Design Math™" method outlined in Big Brand Theory™

Become Known for What Matters

It's time to make a name for yourself in the spheres you are in and start attracting new opportunities

Change Lives in the Process

There are people waiting to hear from you, it's time to speak up and start changing lives

If Freedom is Your Goal, This is the Pathway


Let's Do a Quick Alignment Check - Are You Ready for a New Life?

You are starting to feel like you should be able to travel whenever you want and experience more freedom in your life.

You’re tired (like ugh, yesterday tired) of being limited–being told what to do with your time, when to wake up, when to vacation–and let’s be honest here, 2 weeks in a year isn’t enough time to explore the world the way that you want.

You’re all too familiar with the inner question, “What’s next for me?”

Let's go deeper...

You've been in the world of Corporate or Full-time entrepreneurship for awhile, and things have been going along ok, but at some point not too long ago, you got hit with this feeling - like

"There is something else I need to be doing."

"This cannot be all there is!"

"I'm sensing something new is coming."

"I know my mission is bigger than how I am living."

So you went on the internal (and maybe internet research) hunt looking for things like:

how to start your own brand,

how to get promoted,

how to get unstuck in your career,

how to get more location independence,

how to make more money

and ultimately it all just got too overwhelming. One "guru" says one thing, one book says another, and you simply don't know where to start. You know you don't want to go at it alone, but who do you trust? What method is going to work for you? How can you be sure whatever you try is going to stick this time?

I get it. You’re over the fluff, motivational hype, and salesy answers. You want effective, honest, and clear steps on the best way to blend all your big interests and big passions into a bigger vision.

What you know for sure is - 

You can’t keep living the way you’re currently living

Am I going in the right direction here?


A shift in your perspective to Life Satisfaction Theory™ can give you so much freedom


What is Life-Style Design Theory™




To get the life you want, you need to do something new

If we could read the monologue inside your head right now, it probably sounds something like...

"I don't know where to start"

"I don't have enough time"

"No one is going to buy from me"

"I don't have a lot of followers"

"I don't even like using social media"

"Does anyone even want to hear what I have to say?"


Trust me when I tell you,

You are NOT alone


Hi, I'm Shauna

After almost two decades of working with people looking to change their lives using entrepreneurship, two things are abundantly clear. (1) You cannot get there without doing the inner work first. There are some habits you have to change and some mindsets you have to embrace before the live you envision for yourself can even be possible. (2) You cannot go forward if you do not have a clear vision.

I've had the opportunity to consult, support, and present my thought leadership on value-based brand development to some amazing organizations

"I was in a safe space, I could say what I needed to say, I could get all my questions off my chest, and Shauna was always there to lead me to the place I needed to be…this is not scary, this is attainable, this is doable. – Jimi"

Hear From Some of the People I have Worked With


Frequently Asked Questions

It’s for you if you’re feeling stuck in your current job, have a bunch of passions you want to explore, or just want more control over your life and career. This program is perfect if you are ready to build your personal brand and/or create a business that truly resonates.

This is not your average branding course. We don’t just give you worksheets and leave you to figure it out on your own. You get weekly coaching, and curated worksheets, and you’ll be part of a like-minded community. We focus on personalized, actionable advice so you can be encouraged and inspired with a roadmap.

No. We start from the very beginning and walk you through everything step by step. You don’t need any background in branding or marketing. The program starts from the basics and we keep it super simple and accessible to understand. 

We know life’s busy, so we’ve designed this to fit into your schedule. It’s a 6-month program so you’ll dedicate a few hours each week for the coaching sessions, and you can dive into the worksheets and exercises at your own pace. Ideally, the program is structured to ingest the core material in 6 to 8 weeks with 5 to 6 hours a week dedicated to the program content and coaching sessions. The remaining time can be used to attend coaching sessions, develop products and services, but most of all, to maintain connection to the process inside our online community.

You’ll have a roadmap for a personal brand, strategies to grow it, and the know-how to keep your brand fresh and exciting. Our alumni have launched successful businesses, gained financial freedom, and found a much happier work-life balance.

You will have lifetime access to the core materials to revisit any time. You can also always purchase new copies of the workbook. Some students even find it beneficial to enroll in a second cohort for a new/different idea that did not pay attention to the first time. The program is always here for you to revisit when the time feels right to you.

Definitely! The program’s flexible enough to work around your job and it’s designed to help you figure out how to replace your full-time income. It’s all about helping you build something that could give you even more freedom in the long run.

We are excited to offer our best guarantee to date. If at the end of the 6-months you have:

  • Completed all the modules according to our back-end;
  • Can produce the completed value vault, wellness model, brand message including "conversation" sheet, revenue model, have a documented creative communication strategy, have a completed broadcast strategy;
  • Have participated in the Stay C.A.L.M. for at least 30 straight days (and can provide screenshots of the social media posts including dates);
  • Begun implementing your broadcast strategy with at least one centralized creative communication strategy for at least 2-months;
  • Have at least one product live and available for sale;
  • Have attended or rewatched 90% of the live coaching sessions
  • Asked at least a few questions over the course of the 6-months

and you are not completely satisfied with your result and ready to tell everyone in the world about the amazing brand you are building, after you submit all of the above to us, you get a one-on-one session, AND another 6-months of coaching on us! We are so confident you will succeed, we are ready to bet on you double or nothing!

When you join, you’ll fill in your details and be invited to our online portal. Inside the portal, you can access all the resources and coaching session schedule. If you are ready, you can join the upcoming cohort here: Join the Next Cohort

We’ve got answers! Drop us an email [email protected].


50% Complete

Two Step

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